How much energy does an Innerme energy bar really provide? What happens in your body when you eat our energy bars? What is the effect on your blood sugar level? We did a test with a glucose meter to measure when an energy bar provides energy and how long for.
The test was performed with a Cotour Nextone glucose meter. By pricking your finger you can use the device to determine glucose levels based on a drop of blood.
Dirk took the test in the morning after having fasted for 15 hours.
During this test he remained passively busy with administration and some household tasks. He had not exercised, neither before nor during the measurement.
- At 10 am a first test was done, with a glucose value of 99 mg/dl or 5.5 mmol/L. This value was measured after having fasted for the last 15 hours.
- A few minutes later Drik ate 2 Innerme Energy Bars 40 g. These 2 bars together provide 52 g carbohydrates, 8 g proteins, 8 g fats and 2.5 g fiber.
- 5 min after eating these bars there was no increase in the glucose levels. After 15' we noticed a slight increase. And the energy continued to increase slightly until 1.5 hours after the intake. The peak was 90 min after the intake of the two energy bars, with a value of 143 mg/dl or 7.9 mmol.
- After 90 min my glucose level started to drop slightly again until 195 min.
Only 195 min after eating 2 Innerme energy bars, Dirk was back to the glucose levels he started with.
“2 energy bars effectively provide 2h15min minutes of clean energy"
Here you can see all measured values

- The bar keeps its promises: in the measurement we see a long-lasting and constant energy release.
- The carbohydrates are slowly and gradually absorbed by the body.
- Moreover, the bar is healthy and has a subtle taste.
- The glucose value reaches a peak, but this peak is not extremely high.
Nature keeps you going!