Over Innerme

Good health and INNER power to YOU ​​in 2024
Innerme founder Dirk Baelus looks back and forward.
A closer look at our energy bars!
Since the foundation of Innerme in 2012, our Innerme energy bars have also been on the market. What makes the bar so special? And what benefits does the bar provide for your health? We took a closer look at the bar for you.
A practical test... what are the glucose levels in the blood after eating Innerme energy bars?
How much energy does an Innerme energy bar really provide? What happens in your body when you eat our energy bars? What is the effect on your blood sugar level? We did a test with a glucose meter to measure when an energy bar provides energy and how long for. ​
Valuable minerals and vitamins in the Isotonic energy drink
Keltisch zeezout wordt al eeuwen gewonnen uit kleimoerassen langs de Franse kust in de Bretagne. De Innerme Iso energy drink bevat dit unieke zeezout. Het is rijk aan mineralen en sporenelementen doordat het zeewater wordt opgevangen in bekkens van kleigrond via een ingenieus systeem.
Dirk Baelus: from cafe owner to professional athlete and natural food expert
After his studies in accounting, Dirk Baelus (°1979) opens a cafe. His lifestyle takes a toll on his body. Yet in 2004, spurred by a bet, he turns his life around. He becomes passionate about triathlon, and bans meat, dairy and refined sugar from his menu. This new diet gives him more energy as an athlete, it helps him recover, and it keeps injuries and illnesses at bay. Discover his inspiring story.